Some Scala Exception ‘allCatch’ examples (Option, Try, and Either shortcuts)

At the time of this writing there aren’t many examples of the Scala Exception object allCatch method to be found, so I thought I’d share some examples here.

Scala Exception/allCatch examples

In each example I first show the “success” case, and then show the “failure” case. Other than that, I won’t explain these examples too much, but hopefully seeing them in the REPL will be enough to get you pointed in the right direction:

scala> import scala.util.control.Exception._
import scala.util.control.Exception._

scala> allCatch.opt("42".toInt)
res0: Option[Int] = Some(42)

scala> allCatch.opt("42a".toInt)
res1: Option[Int] = None

// TRY
scala> allCatch.toTry(Try("42".toInt))
val res2: scala.util.Try[Int] = Success(42)
scala> allCatch.toTry(Try("hi mom".toInt))
val res3: scala.util.Try[Int] = Failure(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "hi mom")

scala> allCatch.either("42".toInt)
res4: scala.util.Either[Throwable,Int] = Right(42)

scala> allCatch.either("42a".toInt)
res5: scala.util.Either[Throwable,Int] = Left(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "42a")

It’s nice that allCatch supports Option, Try, and Either; that’s cool, and convenient.

While I’m in the allCatch neighborhood, here’s how you can write a string-to-int conversion function with allCatch:

import scala.util.control.Exception._
def makeInt(s: String): Option[Int] = allCatch.opt(s.toInt)


As a brief update, and for my own reference, here are examples of how to write methods/functions using allCatch in Scala with the Option, Try, and Either classes:

import scala.util.control.Exception._
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}

// Option
def toInt(s: String): Option[Int] = allCatch.opt(Integer.parseInt(s))

// Try
def toInt(s: String): Try[Int] = allCatch.withTry(Integer.parseInt(s))

// Either
def toInt(s: String): Either[Throwable, Int] = 

See these Scaladoc pages for more information: