Nearly 200 FREE Scala and Functional Programming online videos

Welcome! This page contains direct links to all of the videos in my 100% Free Scala and Functional Programming (FP) Video Training Courses. When I say “100% Free”, I mean that there are no ads and no paywalls — all of the videos below are completely free to watch.

As always I want to thank Ziverge for making this possible! This videos take a long time to create, and I wouldn’t have the time to create these without Ziverge being a sponsor. If you ever want to thank the people at Ziverge, be sure to give them a call when your programming team needs assistance on programming projects. They work with Scala, Rust, A.I., Python, and much more.

ALSO FREE: Here’s a link to the free PDF for my book: Learn Functional Programming The Fast Way!

Introduction to Scala 3 (video course)

These are the free videos in my free Introduction to Scala 3 video course:

Advanced Scala 3 (video course)

These are the free videos in my free Advanced Scala 3 video course:

Introduction to Functional Programming (video course)

These are the free videos in my free Introduction to Functional Programming video course:

Functional Programming In Depth

These videos are from my free Functional Programming In Depth video course: